We are magic city
The Magic City Truck Academy, are comprised of career firefighters from the Birmingham metro area. Our instructors work for some of the busiest quints and truck companies in their respective cities. We believe the art of truck work is a craft. A craft built on a foundation of constant training and continuous education.
Our goal, is to provide a quality, informative, hands on approach to truck work. Our classes feature the following truck disciplines: Ladders, VEIS, Search, Forced Entry, Ventilation, Ropes, Thermal Imaging and Saws.
Each class, can be tailored to the host departments specification.
Ladders / OJ Kolodziej & Shawn Donovan
VEIS & Search / Chris Groban, Luke Ahl, Drew Mosley & Chris Tobin
Forced Entry / Brandon Lewis & Clay Magee
Rope / JC Kelly
Ventilation / Stephen Cook, Drew Gargus & William Knight
Thermal Imaging / OJ Kolodziej
Saws / Drew Gargus
Aerial Placement / Stephen Cook, OJ Kolodziej & Shawn Donovan
The Truck Company Officer / OJ Kolodziej, Stephen Cook & Shawn Donovan
The Dark Side of Ladders / OJ Kolodziej
BOOM You’re the Truck! But…I Ride an Engine / OJ Kolodziej & Crew
First Due Truck Ops / Everyone!

Course description.
This course should be taken by any firefighter, not just if assigned to a truck company. Our course covers multiple disciplines that instill fundamentals that every firefighter should know. Our profession is dangerous and truck operations even more, since many of their tasks do not include the protection from a hose line.
Boom! You’re The Truck! But…I Ride an Engine (20hr class)
In todays fire service not everyone has a Truck Company. BUT every has an engine. In this classthats exactly what we’ll cover. Performing Truck Company tasks from the Engine!
PPE; Full Turnouts.
The Dark Side of Ladders! (20hr class)
Many of us live in a sunny world of what we believe to be ground ladders.
In this reality we just carry, throw, and extend ladders.
But...there is another world. A world that’s not as sunny not as brightly lit. In this world Ladders are spliced, walls are scaled, and buckets are extended. This is the Dark Side!
The Dark Side of Ladders are you ready?
PPE: Full Turnouts.
The Truck Company Officer (20hr class)
In this high intensity class we will reinforce or lay the ground work for aggressive, but intelligent Truck Company operations that is effective and efficient.
This class is designed for anyone that is aspiring to be a driver, officer, or if you’re already one. This is for all those that love Truck work with or without a Truck!
PPE: Full Turnouts.
Ground Ladders (5-10hr class)
Ladders are one of the most misused and misunderstood tools in the Fire Service. In this class you will learn how to conserve your energy, throw ladders effectively, and utilize them as a means of survival. When handled properly and with confidence your ground ladder program can run smooth.
PPE: Full Turnouts.
Force Entry (5-10hr class)
Forcible Entry - Basic Irons
Forcible entry is an essential skill that all truck personnel, and all firefighters should be proficient at. In this class we will cover the mechanical advantages of the halligan, striking tips, door size up, including metal and wood doors, inward vs outward swinging doors, and the proper way to attack each. Students will practice forcible entry on a forcible entry simulator and any acquired property that is available if your department so chooses.
PPE: Helmet, Gloves, Eye protection.
Vent Enter Search (10hr class)
This class covers the techniques of single-story and multi-level structure vent-enter- search (VES). Students will be divided into groups and will perform in all positions of the ground- floor VES station including simulating clearing the window, ladder placement, entry, controlling the room environment, search and bringing the victim to the rescue phase. Multiple stations will run concurrently so all students will get the opportunity to perform the skills.
PPE: Full Turnout.
Ventilation (16 hr class)
In this class the student will have an understanding of the science, building construction, and
practical application as it applies to tactical ventilation of residential structures.
PPE: Full Turnout.
Aerial Rescue / Positioning (4-8hr class)
In this class we will ensure that the student is familiar with basic rope, equipment, techniques
and the use of aerial apparatus to perform rescues.
PPE: Gloves, Helmet.
Positioning is an art all by it self. In this portion of the course the students will be instructed how to get the most capabilities out of a truck.
PPE: Helmet, Gloves, Steel toe boots.
Thermal Imaging Operations (10 hr class)
This course is designed for firefighter students of all experience levels. The material will give students a basic understanding of Thermal Imaging Cameras. Students will become familiar with the thermal imaging camera application and operations, including departmental SOGs for camera usage. The class includes how a thermal camera operates, situations where a camera can assist the firefighter, plus situations where a camera may not be reliable. The course can be tailored to your departments needs to include only a lecture/overview, lecture with drills or hands on drills only.
PPE: Full Turnout
Saw maintenance and skills (4hr class)
Each student will dissect and operate different types of saws. Students will develop a better
working knowledge of how saws operate, and how to do quick fixes if need on scene.
Upcoming CLasses
Past Classes
February 25th
Forced Entry
The Steel City FOOLs chapter will be hosting this event. The event will take place at the Pelham Civic Center from 0900-1700. Immediately following the training event, a brotherhood social event is taking place at "The Beer Hog" just below the Pelham Bowling Alley, only a few blocks from the Amphitheater.
Cost: First ten are free, $16 for the next five and the last five are $50 which includes a one year membership to the Steel City FOOLs group.
Contact: Steelcityfools@gmail.com
Location: 500 Amphitheater Drive, Pelham,AL
Basic Truck Company Operations class at the Alabama Fire College
March 4th & 5th
This hands on training course is designed to meet the needs of firefighters whose primary functions are to perform a variety of services associated with truck work including: Forcible Entry, Ground Ladders, VEIS, Search, Rope, TIC Operations, Aerial Ladder Positioning and Ventilation. This course will examine the NFPA 1710 recommendations for truck company operations through evaluation of the acronym ILOVERUS
For more information call 1-800-241-2467
Special Equipment - PPE and SCBA
Physical Requirements - This course is hands on in nature with minimal classroom activity
Hours: 16
Course Cost: $150 in state, $250 out of state
July 8, 2017
Force Entry with Magic City Truck Academy
August 2, 2017
BJCC Magic City Truck Academy Instructor Demo
September 12-16, 2017
Truck School: Pelham Fire and Rescue
October 4-7, 2017
Alabama Fire College Weekend
November 1-3, 2017
Truck School: Scottsboro Fire Department
February 27 - March 1, 2018
Forcible Entry: Muscle Shoals Fire Department
March 5-7, 2018
Ground Ladders: Muscle Shoals Fire Department
March 10, 2018
Forcible Entry: Wetumpka Fire
March 12-14, 2018
Search: Muscle Shoals Fire Department
March 31, 2018
Charity Forcible Entry Class for Camp Conquest of Alabama
May 23 - 26, 2018
First Due Truck OPS: Metro Atlanta Fire Fighter’s Conference
June 4 - 8, 2018
Truck School: Madison/Decatur, AL
July 16 - 18, 2018
ISFA Conference, Louisiana